Friday, May 7, 2010


NOTE: As this is the most popular posting on the STANLEY STORIES blog, I'd like to encourage new visitors to take a moment and peruse the other 200+ posts herein. There's much more to see, and it would be a pity for you to just flit away...

I am shocked to discover that the wonderful-beyond-words Wordpress blog, COMICSWORLD, has been either suspended or removed by the powers-that-be at Wordpress.

This site was the comix equivalent of the Library of Congress. Its death leaves a gaping void in the world of comic book scholarship. The site collected comic books--old and new--of all different genres. Thanks to their all-inclusive offerings, I was able to read and scrutinize thousands of obscure comics that, otherwise, I'd have never seen.

Many of the offerings I've been able to share here on Stanley Stories came from scans that appeared on Comicsworld. I was still in the process of trolling through the site's huge quarry of Dell Comics scans, in search of stray Stanley pieces.

Alas, they also gathered modern mainstream comics--this was, most likely, their undoing. 

Thousands of zip files of comics posted on Comicsworld are still available on Rapidshare--albeit under cryptic file names, which would make them quite hard to locate.

If the person or persons who were behind Comicsworld see this posting, please contact me. I'd like to express my thanks for all your hard work.

And, just in case Wordpress reverses their decision, THIS LINK is the original URL for the Comicsworld site. As well, altho' none of the links work any longer, HERE is a Google cache of the CW site,  just in case you never knew of it or checked it out...

Should it be gone forever, Comicsworld will be sorely missed. I hope we will see it again, in this or another form.

HAPPY UPDATE: JUNE 18, 2012... It's baaaacccckkk.... check out the links below!    Mostly comic books but some long runs of some old comic strips too; bottom left side.  Loads of digest-sized Sci-fi mags from the 50s, 60s, etc.

SAD UPDATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2012... The heartless bastards who are out to destroy everything wonderful about the Internet have again stricken Comicsworld. All the Rapidshare files have been flagged as "illegal" and can no longer be accessed. The golden age of the Internet is over, folks... let's brace up and face it... it's all downhill from here!


  1. I wish I knew how to contact "Boutje" so I could find out exactly what happened. You probably know, but in case anyone reading this doesn't there's still (the missing R isn't a typo on my part) and, which don't have much Stanley, but they're the silver and bronze choices for comics files.

  2. Damn! I'd just discovered comicsworld a few weeks ago. It was such a fantastic resource. If anyone finds out how to contact Boutje, (or where that treasure trove has re-surfaced) please post here.

  3. Besides this news, at least one other comics archive site I had never heard of was also shut down this past week, from what I've read by a consortium of the major comic book publishers going after their servers.

  4. Not only that it was nicely organized with thumbnails, neatly categorize and was a good community website.

    There's still avaxhome which has mags and comics. But its not the same compared to comicsworld they have a huge selection that you cant get anywhere else.

    I saved the cache webpage of it just incase, they should reallocate and reup everything.

  5. I'd never heard of Comicsworld and I'm sorry to hear it's disappeared before I got a chance to check it out.

    Sam Henderson's two suggestions for nice databases are the two I was going to make.

  6. I was shocked to see ComicsWorld vanish. Thanks to their work I was able to find some comics that I had forgotten and some new one that I never heard of. It really brought back a lot of memories.

  7. You can still access Comicsworld through the Google Cache. The links are still work as well. I downloaded like 30GB of comics this weekend to get the stuff I wanted. But the links are all still good... don't know for how long though...

  8. It's a disaster!
    I too found this site a few days ago. I started reading the Femforce series from AC Comics and I'm stuck at issue 75.
    As one of my friend says on Superwomenmania forum, I'm still wondering how DC, Marvel or others lose money on older than year old comics, which have already been bought and not for sale anymore, being given out for money or for free.
    So, does anyone know where I could find next issues of Femforce for free ?
    Does "Comicworld" have a chance to reborn in another domain hosting ?
    Thanks fore all.

    Nicolas, from France.

  9. LIke Scottartman01 said, Comicsworld's Rapidshare links are still working (for the moment.) Use Google Cache to find the old URLs before they disappear, too. (I've only found one so far that's no longer working.)

    Also: I'm going to PayPal some $$ to Boutje, just as a way of saying thanks and also to help him maintain the Rapidshare accounts. (The Paypal button is on the cached Comicsworld main page that Stanley linked to, above.) If anyone else is able to do so, it might be a nice gesture.

  10. Google Cashe is down too :-(
    What can we do now ?

  11. Try this:

  12. The Google cache is gone now too.

  13. Has anybody cached the site on its own hdd?
    I'm going to cache pages that are still in google cache

  14. Here it is. What's left of it.

  15. this ain't a bad replacement...

  16. Thank you very much for that Aleksandar !

  17. The server file link is down. is anyone else able to upload it? thx in advance.

  18. patience, boutje will be back soon ..
    keep an eye on shoutbox of

  19. Try this:

  20. Hi. This is sad news. Comicsworld was a great resource. Just tried the link by post by 'those' on May28. The site was -My virus scanner (AVG Free) detected a virus threat on this site. BE WARNED!! ..The site looked quite good but I hightailed it away from that site when I got the warning. Anyone else got this warning, or have any info on the safety of visiting this site? Thanks

  21. I downloaded the files directly to a thumb drive last week from the May 28 link. They open fine.

    After reading the post of June 2, I scanned the drive for viruses, etc. McAfee found none in the 4000 files on the drive.

    That said, if I had seen that AVG alert, I, too, would have passed on downloading it. Better safe than sorry.

  22. try this:

  23. oh was such a nice sunday till now :(
    if anybody hears about the site being up somewhere else again,please let me know.think i am going to go and cry now...

  24. Is a crime! Wordpress is the new Nero.. burning a hyper extended library like that! I really want a new adress to the files, somebody can do something?

    PS.: MyComicPost dont get enough...

  25. It's stupid. Because of this website I started to buy a lot more comics. I hate reading PDF's so I downloaded a lot and if the first 2 pages impressed me i would buy the comics. And also i avoided a lot of bad comics because I could see how they looked. But the fact is: i spent a lot more money on comics because of this website.

    João - Portugal

  26. I don't know who this is, but some of boutje's stuff has been reposted here (but not all of it):

  27. You can find the web server files here:

    I haven't checked any of the RS links.

  28. Digigital Comics Museum--the successor site to Golden Age Comics, UK--Has been unavailable for two days. Have we lost the best site for studying comics?

    Anybody here have any information?

  29. Two days before ComicsWorld went down, I was listening to NPR and there was a story about the change of law in Great Britain to permit (or require?) ISPs to take down websites if there were three complaints of downloading against them (something like that). Then ComicsWorld (which I believe was based in the UK) went down, so I suspect that's why.

  30. Digital Comics Museum is back up this morning. No activity since 08-08. Perhaps on holiday (vacation)?

  31. Hi. I have a blog on here where you can download comic books. Here's the link:

  32. You can access comicsworld at

  33. sorry to said that all the link on comics world are down "rapid pro is expired"
    I have no idea if "Boutje" would re-upload them...

  34. The links work. I just downloaded some. The RapidPro error means you don't have an account with Rapidshare to download at fast speeds.

  35. Alas, poor Bootje. I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest. I was a member of the Comicsworld and even provided some scans to fill in some gaps in his collection. I tried to get the complete listing of his collection before he was cruelly struck down, but, alas, I lacked the time to do so. I don't suppose anybody else has a complete listing of his rapidshare collection?


  36. Try using the wayback machine:*/*

    All the RS links are still there. you just need to cut and paste them out of the links.
