Thursday, May 10, 2018

Here's That Big News: Drawn + Quarterly to Reprint Little Lulu The Right Way!

HERE is the official announcement from Drawn + Quarterly... the first volume in this series, which will reprint selections from the 10 one-shot issues of Little Lulu (and the first six regular series issues) in color, not traced, and in a comic book-size version, as they were meant to be seen, with editorial material written by myself (story notes, short essays on various aspects of John Stanley's work).

Donate those Dark Horse paperbacks to Goodwill. You won't need them anymore. More details as the first volume comes to fruition.


  1. Great news!
    I'm so glad you're involved in this! A must!

  2. Great news!!
    I'm so glad you're involvd in this! A must!

  3. I'm new to this blogspot, but there's so much goodness here. Have you considered collecting the bits and publishing a book about Mr. Stanle?

  4. So these will be ~5 issues per book adding up to a ~30 volume set, just like the Dark Horse run?

  5. Wonderful news, my friend. All the best with the project . Best wishes from a Spanish - Australian fan.
